This page contains information about Oceanside Unified School District's Local Control Accountability Plan or LCAP.
In 2013, the State of California adopted a new funding system that provides a uniform funding level for every student in California. At the same time, it provides additional revenue to serve students with the greatest needs such as our English language learners, children from low-income families, and foster youth.
Under the new formula, school districts must create a Local Control Accountability Plan that sets goals for student achievement and describes how the district will use its budget to achieve those goals, paying particular attention to traditionally underserved student populations. In developing these plans, districts must get input from parents, staff, students and the community.
The Oceanside Unified School District Local Control and Accountability Plan (PLAN) draft was developed using stakeholder feedback and assessment of district priorities Click here for more information and to view the plan.
OUSD Parent Advisory Committees
California Dashboard
The California School Dashboard or "Dashboard" is an easy-to-use online tool for navigating the state’s new accountability and continuous improvement system. The Dashboard will help schools and districts build on successes and focus on challenges. As an accountability tool, the Dashboard will help the state identify schools and districts needing targeted interventions to improve. California’s future depends on tapping into the potential of all students, so they graduate ready for college, careers and life.
For information on Oceanside California School Dashboard:
School Dashboard