COVID-19 Updated Guidelines 23-24
While most COVID regulations are relaxed compared to previous years, a public health order still requires schools to exclude students and staff who present with COVID-19 like symptoms. Exceptions are if the symptoms are consistent (in nature and intensity) with a known medically-documented, pre-existing condition (such as asthma explaining a dry cough or seasonal allergies accounting for symptoms).
Students can return as early as the following day if parents/guardians report a negative test and symptoms are improving (with no fever). Students who test positive can return on Day 6 if they are feeling well enough to participate and symptoms are improving (with no fever). Students are encouraged to wear a mask at school Days 6-10.
Those who are a close contact with someone who has had COVID-19, but without symptoms, can come to and stay in school. They may test themselves 3-5 days after exposure. If positive, even without symptoms, they follow the guidance in the above paragraph.
There is no longer any distinction between vaccinated and unvaccinated staff and students, as far as testing requirements or school attendance. Some schools still have some rapid tests available for students to take home for testing there.
- Per current CDPH: Any person (vaccinated or unvaccinated) who has tested positive for Covid-19 using any test type. Will follow the current guidelines below:
- Isolate at home for 5 days from the positive test.
- Return on or after day 6 if no fever for 24 hrs.
- Students are encouraged to wear a mask on Days 6 – 10.
- Per Cal/OSHA, K-12 Staff are encouraged to wear a mask on Days 6-10.
- No positive or negative test results are required by the school site
- No contact tracing required
Basic Prevention of Virus Spread
Promote basic hygiene:
- Any coughing or sneezing should be directed into ones sleeve (inside elbow), rather than into hands or the air.
- Wash hands after using and handling used tissues, after blowing nose, before/after eating, and after toilet use.
- Wash for 20 seconds with soap, rub between fingers, under nails; and then rinse and dry. (May use alcohol (60%+) hand gel if sinks are not readily available.)
- Avoid rubbing your own eyes, nose and mouth.
- Do not share utensils, cups etc.
- Avoid contact with those who are sick.
Wear a mask/face covering as a safety precaution
Clean and disinfect
Monitor your health daily
Staying Home
Staying home when sick can lower the risk of spreading infectious diseases, including COVID-19, to other people. Please follow Oceanside Unified School District's Health and Safety Policy attached below to help determine whether a student should Stay home or report to school.
Health & Safety Guidelines 23-24