Social Emotional Support Services
Wellness Together
Mental Health services at ECHS that provide individual counseling meetings in conjunction with family engagement meetings
ECHS School Counseling Groups
- Grief Group – For students who have experienced the loss of a loved one.
- Alateen – For students who are affected by alcoholism or drug abuse in a family member or friend.
ECHS Clubs with School Counseling Support
- GSA Pride Empowering Equality - For LGBTQ+ students, their friends and siblings.
- NAMI On Campus
North County Lifeline – Offices in Vista (760-726-4900) and Oceanside (760-757-0118)
- Individual and family counseling
- Groups – anger management, decision making, substance abuse, life skills
- Gang prevention and intervention
- Psychiatric mental health issues
- Family support services
PASS – Promoting Achievement and Student Success (on campus)
Mentors who work with students according to this criteria:
- Students below basic in one or more core class and:
- Unresponsive or disengaged
- Showing signs of gang culture or negative behavior
- Defiant, acting out, suspensions
- Attendance issues
TYA - Interfaith Community Services Transitional Youth Academy – On Campus (B109 & B113)
Case Managers providing individualized services & support
- Student Advocacy
- Social & Emotional Support
- Academic Mentoring & Tutoring Support
- Career Development Services
- College Preparation Assistance
- Weekly Leadership Lunches
- Supporting Student participation in school sponsored activities
- Wraparound services for families in partnership with various Interfaith Programs and local partners
Beth Simon- Program Manager
Daisy Hernandez- Lead Case Manager
Jonny Baca Nava- Case Manager
UPAC – Union of Pan Asian Communities (on campus)
Through a County of San Diego grant, they provide therapy for students and their families. The criteria are Medi-Cal or no insurance. Services are provided at school, and in the home.